Sunday, August 28, 2011

In my spare time...HMPH if! (hair flip)

I found myself making Audrey a quilt at 9:00 last night. First of all, I turn into a pumpkin at 8, which means as soon as the comfy pants come on, I am DONE with anything involving thought for the day. But she asked so nicely (read:overly persistent!) She needed it, for "like, watching tv, or covering my baby dolls, and sleeping with"  How could I argue with that???  Finally me, the sucker I am, told her I'd do it when I got around to it. 9:00 on a Saturday night.   When I finished it,I was able to put it on her as she slept, giving her a nice surprise when she woke up. Worth every, tired, frustrating second. Oh, and did I mention I have NEVER made a quilt before. It was my maiden voyage, and I think it turned out a-ok :)

With this quilt that Audrey was dreaming up, we had to make a few trips to the store. I loaded the babes up on their bikes, and we rode to Joanns to pick out some fabrics. When she found her fabric, we needed batting. But batting is cheaper at Walmart, so yesterday morning, we loaded up on the bikes again to head out to Wally World.

As we were finding our quilt supplies,  projects I'd seen on blogs kept popping up in my mind. Here are a couple of things that I've pinned on Pinterest lately (if you've never heard of pinterest, you HAVE to check it's a great place to "pin" all of the things you see online that you know you'll want to refer back to later. Genius!) Tutorial links are on the captions, giving credit where credit is due :)
My kids would LOVE these! This is one I actually am excited to do for them.  So simple,  yet something they would totally use!
I could use about 10 of these! Too cute!
I guess I have a thing with ruffles, what can I say?
I have a couple of baby showers coming up. Hmmmmmmm!
When my kids were babies, I learned really fast that the cute bibs you get as shower gifts are USELESS! Nothing stays on them, so guess what I'll be making for some mom's to be????

Another thing for my MUST DO list!
I fell in love with this shower curtain and knew it is EXACTLY what I need in my house. Hopefully this is project #1, but I know my stuff usually comes last :(


  1. Love those pillows sewn together! How great. Thank you for linking up to Scatter Girls.

  2. the quilt is great! i love the colors.

  3. Thanks for the compliments, ladies :)


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