Take it away, Megan!

Hi, my name is Megan and I publish a little blog named Beautiful Bits of Grace where you can find me writing about the everyday beautifullness of this life, motherhood, photography and whatever my latest project may be thanks to the oh so addictive Pinterest.
I "met" Angie in the summer when I was lucky enough to win one of her adorable bags through a giveaway. I was also privileged to work with her on a giveaway together.
She actually invited me to guest post for her a few months ago and I was so flattered and honored! I had every intention of writing a guest post right away for her. The only problem was that I struggle with two things. Procrastination and perfection. I wanted my post to be just right and I didn't want to give Angie anything less. So I procrastinated....for months.Too be honest, I didn't think any post I would write would be good enough and I was constantly comparing my blog and myself to others. It is something that I definately struggle with and have prayed about. Comparing myself to others around me. That constant trying to keep up with everyone, everything. Trying to find approval from people instead of being confident in my God given purpose.
Then this morning as I sat down to read my my bible as I had promised God I would so many times {and failed}, I prayed and I asked God to help me, help me to stop trying to live up to the expectations I had placed on myself because of comparison. I opened my bible to this verse:
The sun has one kind of beauty, the moon has another beauty and the stars have another. And each star is different in it's beauty!
1 Corinthians 14:33
This verse spoke volumes to me! It reminded me that we are all created differently and each of us has a God given talent or ability. We are all unique and beautiful in that uniqueness. Sometimes we just need a gentle reminder and some loving encouragement. We may think that what we have to offer isn't good enough or right but it may be exactly what someone needed to read. If you decide to stop by and visit my blog be sure and say hi!
I would love to share this on my FB page. Thank you for sharing this. IT speaks volumes to me and is a beautiful reminder of where my joy "should" lie. Thank you!
Shay Designs