Tuesday, November 8, 2011

She Works Hard for Her Money....

I've been quiet lately. Well, not really, I'm never really quiet, but I haven't been posting much lately. 
This Thursday, I am hosting my annual preholiday open house in my home. I set up all of my bags, ask a couple of friends to come and sell their crafts, and open my door for an hour and a half.

Every year, a few days before, I find myself wondering "am I nuts?!?!"   Typically in the hour and a half, I see about 50 people go through my house. Yet every year, two days before, I begin to doubt myself. I start to wonder if anyone will actually show up. I put an unbelievable amount of pressure on myself to make the night great for each and every person there, including the other artists. 

A few of my little soldiers, getting into formation. There are LOTS more where these came from ;)
Then the night comes, and I am humbled to see smile after friendly smile walk through my front door. I can't describe how much I appreciate all of the support I receive from those who follow me and my little business. Each face that walks though my front door feels like a much needed pat on the back, a little reassurance that I am doing the right thing. 

So I'm not even even going to think of the state of my 1st floor until Thursday morning, when I will do the "day of the big shindig" shuffle. And until my Thursday deadline, I will  be busy trying to sew as many bags as humanly possible. Trying to make as many choices for my customers as I can. I want everyone to walk out happy that they came.

Do you like how I am prettying up my post with these awesome prints???
Thanks Emily Burger Designs!

 I have 8 purses (a new style..yay!) that I hope to finish today, and if that isn't insane enough, I plan to make some small coin purses tomorrow. Oh, and did I mention I have a sickish kid home today? We'll see how this all goes...


  1. Good Luck!! I bake for Craft shows, and totally know about that last minute craziness. :D

  2. Thanks for your post!!! I know what you mean - I haven't done much at all for my open house yet and I'm getting nervous! It will all come together. The most important part is to have fun! :) Can't wait to see my purse!!!!


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